Fitness: What it is and to whom it is indicated

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What is meant by fitness?

For almost half a century, fitness and all the concepts it has evolved – such as wellness and total functionality – have been at the center of preventive and therapeutic campaigns for numerous uncomfortable conditions fitness program singapore.

It is a fact that fitness, understood as physical activity of desirable motor exercise, with a sporting or recreational aptitude and aesthetic or functional objectives , contributes to hindering: overweight , metabolic diseases, anxious and depressive symptoms , osteo-articular syndromes and pathologies and muscles , aging, etc.

The constant mutation of fitness in far more complex principles would be essentially due to two factors:

the simplicity of the initial meaning, or ” good health ” – or “correct physiological mechanism”, when applied to a function, an apparatus or a system;

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the complexity of the habits and collective needs of the Western population in the new millennium.

In general and absolutely approximate, we could talk about fitness from two points of view:

The first is of physiological relevance and concerns all those psycho-physical characteristics which, put together, offer a picture of good health . In this sense, the state of general fitness implies:

Normal body weight and equally physiological ratio between lean mass and fat mass *;

Amount of muscle mass (we begin to understand that, even regardless of the amount of fat , muscle mass contributes to improving the general state of health) *;

Metabolic homeostasis ;

Neuro-muscular function ,

Stress level within management limits;

Normal functioning and absence of pathologies to all systems and systems (not only the locomotor, but also the digestive system, etc.).

Obviously, to achieve all this it is essential:

Practicing motor activity , or physical exercise, regularly and in a constructive, non-destructive way ;

Eating in a healthy and balanced way ;

Avoid alcohol abuse and the use of tobacco or drugs;

Avoid drug abuse;

Not having pathologies, syndromes or strong genetic-hereditary predispositions.

The second way is of sporting , functional-performance or aesthetic culture relevance ; it’s about goals, methods and all outcomes (outside of health). We are talking about the three asterisk points of the previous list and the related conditional and coordinative skills related to them. The latter, if well developed and trained, lead the subject towards a state of ever greater global effectiveness and efficiency:

Strength (which is also related to muscle mass and the relationship with fat mass).

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